Danh sách bài
Tìm kiếm bài tập
Những bài tập nổi bật
ID | Bài | Nhóm | Điểm | % AC | # AC | |
oddsum | ODDSUM | Free Contest | 1,00 | 66,7% | 12 | |
avg3num | AVG3NUM | Free Contest | 1,00 | 100,0% | 13 | |
eiugifts | Women Day | Data Structures and Algorithms | 1,50 | 34,0% | 11 | |
perimeter_and_area_of_a_circle | Perimeter and area of a circle | Children's Codes | 1,00 | 17,8% | 11 | |
palindrome | Is it a palindrome? | Children's Codes | 1,00 | 70,6% | 20 | |
table_of_natural_numbers_2 | Table of natural numbers 2 | Children's Codes | 1,00 | 73,7% | 13 | |
common_divisor | Common divisor | Children's Codes | 1,00 | 14,8% | 36 | |
eiulove | Valentine | Data Structures and Algorithms | 1,00 | 75,0% | 3 | |
eipair | Buy gifts | Data Structures and Algorithms | 1,00 | 40,0% | 10 | |
lowercase_to_uppercase | Lowercase character to uppercase character | Children's Codes | 1,00 | 75,9% | 18 | |
ei2122q1adam1 | Number of pairs | Data Structures and Algorithms | 1,00 | 30,5% | 23 | |
eimin | Tìm phần tử nhỏ nhất khác 0 | Data Structures and Algorithms | 1,00 | 42,9% | 3 | |
eipages | Page Numbers | Data Structures and Algorithms | 1,50 | 77,8% | 9 | |
eiugift1 | Gift Wrapping | Data Structures and Algorithms | 1,50 | 41,2% | 9 | |
eiuquisort | Quick Sort | Data Structures and Algorithms | 1,50 | 81,8% | 8 | |
eimergesort | Merge Sort | Data Structures and Algorithms | 1,50 | 73,3% | 9 | |
eiusesor | Selection Sort | Data Structures and Algorithms | 1,00 | 50,0% | 2 | |
eiubusor | Bubble Sort | Data Structures and Algorithms | 1,00 | 75,0% | 3 | |
eiubisea | Binary Search | Data Structures and Algorithms | 1,00 | 83,3% | 5 | |
eiinsort | Sales | Data Structures and Algorithms | 1,00 | 33,3% | 1 | |
ei20213q1 | Sort Numbers | Data Structures and Algorithms | 1,00 | 55,6% | 5 | |
ei2122q1m1 | Sum of K Distinct Largest | Data Structures and Algorithms | 1,00 | 50,0% | 3 | |
ei20213q3 | Compare with K | Data Structures and Algorithms | 1,50 | 42,9% | 3 | |
ei20213q2 | Distinct Numbers | Data Structures and Algorithms | 1,00 | 39,0% | 13 | |
eibook | Đọc Sách | Data Structures and Algorithms | 1,50 | 16,7% | 1 | |
eiumedian2 | Median | Data Structures and Algorithms | 1,00 | 23,1% | 3 | |
eikmax | K greatest numbers | Data Structures and Algorithms | 1,00 | 61,5% | 12 | |
eitaskdis | Phân Công Công Việc | Data Structures and Algorithms | 1,50 | 33,7% | 22 | |
eiusch2 | Trao Học Bổng | Data Structures and Algorithms | 1,00 | 100,0% | 4 | |
eiumedarray4 | Kth Smallest Element | Data Structures and Algorithms | 2,00 | 20,5% | 4 | |
eiapplebox | Count Inversion | Data Structures and Algorithms | 2,00 | 40,0% | 4 | |
eiugotra | Đi Du Lịch | Data Structures and Algorithms | 1,50 | 37,5% | 6 | |
eipicnic | Du Lịch | Data Structures and Algorithms | 1,50 | 31,0% | 11 | |
eidorm | Dormitory | Data Structures and Algorithms | 1,00 | 76,2% | 13 | |
eiexcerc | Công việc hóc búa | Data Structures and Algorithms | 1,00 | 50,0% | 9 | |
eiucream | Đi Ăn Kem | Data Structures and Algorithms | 1,00 | 37,5% | 6 | |
eidraw | Letter W | Data Structures and Algorithms | 1,00 | 66,7% | 11 | |
eiupreiu | EIU | Data Structures and Algorithms | 1,00 | 50,0% | 7 | |
largest_digit_of_n | The largest digit of N | Children's Codes | 1,00 | 42,6% | 22 | |
number_of_divisors_of_n | Number of Divisors of N | Children's Codes | 1,00 | 26,4% | 15 | |
digits_of_n | Digits of N | Children's Codes | 1,00 | 47,4% | 26 | |
table_of_natural_numbers_1 | Table of natural numbers 1 | Children's Codes | 1,00 | 79,3% | 20 | |
sum_of_positive_numbers | Sum of positive numbers | Children's Codes | 1,00 | 44,7% | 21 | |
check_prime_number | Check prime number | Children's Codes | 1,00 | 21,7% | 22 | |
sum_of_odd_numbers | Sum of odd numbers | Children's Codes | 1,00 | 32,7% | 17 | |
sum_of_first_n_odd_numbers | Sum of odd numbers not greater than N | Children's Codes | 1,00 | 26,4% | 20 | |
divisors_of_n | Divisors of N | Children's Codes | 1,00 | 57,8% | 25 | |
sort_3_numbers | Sort three numbers in descending order | Children's Codes | 1,00 | 41,4% | 21 | |
sum_of_even_numbers | Sum of even numbers | Children's Codes | 1,00 | 36,9% | 22 | |
expression_2 | Expression 2 | Children's Codes | 1,00 | 24,6% | 28 |